Casa Shalom
1308 S. New Hampshire
Los Angeles, California 90006
30 Units:
18 two bedrooms
12 three bedroom
Description. Casa Shalom is a family development located in the Westlake/McArthur Park neighborhood and was built in partnership with the Los Angeles District of the United Methodist Church.
The Pico-Union Neighborhood. The Pico-Union neighborhood is a 1.67 square mile area of Downtown Los Angeles with two historic districts: Bonnie Brae Historic District and Alvarado Terrace Historic District. Click here to read more about the Pico-Union neighborhood.
Services. A visiting nurse visits quarterly to perform health screenings for adult residents; Weekly aerobics classes. Wednesday morning coffee hour where residents catch up and meet new residents and friends. Casa Shalom also has a childcare center, Little Stars Head Start, operated by Pacific Asian Consortium Employment.
Council District #1. Click here to read more about Council District #1.
Residency Requirements:
All units are rent restricted to individuals and families earning 60% or less of Area Median Income.
Managed By:
1010 Development Corporation
Completed: 2006
Architect: Togawa and Smith, Inc.
Contractor: Dreyfuss Construction
Financial Consultant: Inclusive Homes, Inc.
Our Financial Partners:
Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco
California Department of Housing and Community Development
City of Los Angeles Housing Department
National Equity Fund
U.S. Bank
L.A. Arena Development Company/AEG
Low Income Investment Fund