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Housing and Community Investment Department

The mission of the Housing + Community Investment Department is to create viable urban communities by advocating for safe and livable neighborhoods through the promotion, development, and preservation of decent, safe, affordable housing and by expanding economic opportunities and public services, principally for low- and moderate income persons.


The Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles

The Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA) is a state-chartered public agency. It provides the largest stock of affordable housing in Los Angeles and is one of the nation’s leading public housing authorities. It is also one of the oldest, providing quality housing options and supportive services to the citizens of Los Angeles since 1938.


The Housing Authority of the County of Los Angeles

The Housing Authority of the County of Los Angeles (Housing Authority) serves in Los Angeles County, administering both the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher and Public Housing programs. The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program currently assists approximately 23,000 families through a partnership with over 13,000 property owners. The Public Housing program manages 3,229 units of public and other affordable housing throughout Los Angeles County.


Los Angeles County Housing Resource Center

This County website has information on affordable rental housing, for sale housing, special needs housing, and senior housing, as well as info on shelters and foreclosure resources.


SCANPH Action Center

Take action to help create more housing that people can afford. The Southern California Association of NonProfit Housing (SCANPH) is the trade association for affordable housing developers in Southern California and keeps track of current housing concerns in our cities and at the state and national levels.


LA County Economic Development Scorecard

The Economic Development Scorecard was created to measure the progress of Los Angeles County’s economic development programs across a variety of disciplines, including workforce development, business assistance, loan programs, financial assistance, and capital development. A primary goal of the Scorecard is to facilitate effective partnerships between the County and the private sector. Additionally, the Scorecard provides a snapshot of the local economy and seeks to demonstrate how County programs can be informed by the economic and demographic characteristics of the region.

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1010 Development Corporation
714 W. Olympic Blvd. 
Suite 802
Los Angeles, CA 90015

1010 Development Corporation is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization.

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